"It's just a hot mess of signaling" ~ Fred, on a particularly complex signaling pathway
"My mind and my mouth are not connected" ~ Keehun, struggling to find the right words
"Place drunk; align sober" ~ Lisa, on figure design
"I haven't really thought about it, I guess my default option is academia" ~ Keehun, to his comittee meeting on his career aspirations
"Oh my god!" ~ Keehun (on not realizing he was giving group meeting)
"I'll just take an Uber from Park Rapids" ~ Keehun (on figuring out a ride to the Lake Itasca Biological Station)
"I have been aliquoted for journal club." ~ Keehun (addressing the group in lab meeting)
"The biggest danger is having a hypothesis you want to prove." ~ Shiv
"This is like herding cats, but all the cats have PhDs" ~ Mike
"It's the end of an era." ~ Rabia (on her departure)
"Never check sequencing at 7pm on a Friday." ~ Ruth
"Sort of like getting crabgrass that is ISO certified." ~ Mike (on ISO certified HeLa cells)
"For this paper, we did not do any drugs" ~ Rabia (on the GPCR manuscript)
"Making it in science is like being popular in high school." ~ Shiv
"I think I just talked myself into cloning 10 more constructs." ~ Ruth
"Have you accepted Steve Jobs as your personal lord and savior?" ~ Mike (on the ubiquity of Apple products)
"This is not that hard." ~ Ashwin (on everything related to Biology)
"You just have to put the DNA in there, right?" ~ Ashwin (on transfections)
"It shouldn't take that long." ~ Rizal (on proteins)
"To facilitate a quick turnaround, I will handle this personally and will NOT send for further review." ~ An Editor
"Star it up!" ~ Shiv (on statistics)
"Express proteins. Not emotions." ~ Mike
"Desks, bench, pipettes, buffers, 4C, cells, borrowed, computers and backups, blood sacrifice, acid/bases, drawer labels, toss junk, last will and testament, and shiv's mugs..." Mike's To-Do List (on the move to UMN)
"End of times, here be dragons and madness." ~ the end of Mike's calendar for moving to UMN